Do you want to make your hair look shiny and gorgeous? Do you want your hair to have a healthy texture? Do you want to not invest much and get a good hair day? If the answer to all the above questions is yes then you are at the right place. There is no harm in giving your hair the royal treatment even if you are not at the hair salon anymore. It is very important to find the right natural hair care products for your hair to avoid choosing bad shampoos and conditioners. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right shampoo and conditioner. Here are a few steps you should follow to wash your hair properly after shampoo:

Wash your hair thoroughly with warm water

It is always better that your hair is soaked before you apply shampoo or conditioner. The most important thing is that you use slightly warm water as it helps you open the cuticles on your scalp. This will help your hair to wash all the dirt. In addition, warm water will absorb the oil that is present in your hair conditioner. It is always better to wet your hair completely before you apply shampoo. If you have applied hair dye or any other natural hair care product like henna or indigo powder than you will have to wash that first. offers all the natural hair care products also buy henna or indigo powder in UAE.  

Massage your hair with shampoo into the hair roots

Take shampoo according to the length of your hair. Now, gently rub your fingers in between your scalp and massage well so that it reaches into your hair roots.

Make sure to choose a shampoo that is suitable for your hair

It is always better to use products that suit your hair. Otherwise, it can lead to more hair fall. If your hair is oily, use a shampoo that is rich with moisturizing agents.

Rinse your hair thoroughly

Rinse your hair thoroughly to wash away all the shampoo from your hair and hold your hair and press out all the water from your hair. Repeat this step two to three times and make sure all the shampoo is gone.

Towel dry your hair

Do not press or rub it to hard gently dry your hair with the towel so you do not have to lose any of your hair.