For your hair type, find the ideal natural hair care products.

A good hair day is a gift, but a terrific hair day can completely alter the course of events. Red signs indicating your hair isn't having a good day (or week, month, or year) include split ends, dry strands, no volume, and generally dismal color. It's time to use 100% PURE natural hair care products to take control of stubborn strands! You should avoid using harsh, toxins-filled, or stripping shampoos and conditioners on your damaged hair. For long-lasting moisture, nourish them with therapeutic butters and oils. Say goodbye to hat hair, sad sloppy buns, and lifeless hair. The top six reasons you have poor hair days every day will be discussed, along with the natural shampoos and conditioners that work best for your hair type.

6 explanations for why you have bad hair days every day


Is your hair consistently spotless, perhaps even a little too spotless? Regular hair washing promotes development and maintains the health of hair follicles, but there is such a thing as over-washing your hair. Although you might not be ready to join the "no poo" movement just yet, frequent shampooing depletes your hair of vital nutrients and oils. It's up to you how often you wash your hair; every other day, every three days, etc. Find a balance that works for your hair type.


The "no poo" fad has divided the 100% PURE office; while it may be effective for some hair types, it may leave others feeling like greasy balls of hair. Everyone enjoys sleeping in an extra thirty minutes in the morning instead of lathering up, but on the other extreme, under-washing your hair is also not fun. When you skip shampooing for extended periods of time, your hair follicles may become clogged with product and oil. The buildup in the follicle can harm it, cause dandruff, and even slow or stop hair growth there. You won't have to stress about losing clumps of hair due to follicle accumulation if you can find a happy medium for your shampoo routine!

Overheated water

One of the greatest things in life is by far a hot, steaming shower after a long day. Warming your bones is good for the mind and the soul, but it can be terrible for your skin and mane. When it's time to wash your hair, lower the temperature; the water's colder temperature will help your hair retain moisture and battle frizz. Check out the advantages of taking a cold shower if you want to join the polar bear club.


Stress may negatively impact our health, which is not exactly news, and it turns out that it can also negatively impact our hair. According to a recent study, stress leaves a tiny history of our stress levels in our hair, suggesting long-term exposure. Brittle, easily damaged hair can result from high levels of stress. When you feel stress beginning to build up within, pull out the soft stress ball, turn on the spa station on Pandora, or put your favorite dog pile video on hold. That's better, I see.


If there was one more item to add to the amazing list of changes brought on by your monthly event, it would be the fact that getting your period can make your hair greasier. That's accurate, higher hair oil production has been linked to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. Although happily not everyone has experienced this, knowing this information may enable you to combat that week of bad hair in advance by adding a few extra shampooing sessions.

Products containing alcohol

Please don't touch our natural hair product ingredients; we'll keep the alcohol in glasses. Many conventional hair products use traditional alcohol to emulsify the product, which might dry up your delicate strands when used in hair care products. Any hair product with the ingredients SD Alcohol 40, Ethanol, Propyl, or Isopropyl should be avoided. Cetearyl alcohol, although sounding like it should be avoided, is a "fatty alcohol" that facilitates the easy passage of natural shampoo and conditioner into your hair. This substance, which is derived from vegetables, behaves differently from the conventional drying alcohols that can strip and dry your strands.